FTP FileZilla

 December 13, 2015     0 Comments

Open FileZila and go to site manager. Click on add new site. Go ahead and add your username and password and other information needed (the username and password is the same as your cPanel login details).

Once you have done that, proceed to the next step. Click on advanced in the tab. Here it is recommended to input "public_html" as the remote directory.

 Once this is done proceed to the next step. Make sure you check the box that is highlighted at the bottom of the screen which reads "Always trust certificate in future sessions"

Press okay. You should now be able to access your FTP. 

If you are behind a firewall and having trouble connecting, try connecting through passive mode:

If you have set up your connection as above and are getting the following error, please check your firewall and NAT settings. 

Error:  The data connection could not be established: ETIMEDOUT - Connection attempt timed out

Error:  Connection timed out

Error:  Failed to retrieve directory listing

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